This is the realm where heaven and earth meets and God interacts with men and speaks to them. God wants us to live and operate from this realm of the supernatural. It is like the encounter Jacob had when he was running from his brother Esau after he stole his birthright. Genesis 28:11-19.
Also Elisha’s servant troubled over his masters safety. Elisha prayed and God opened his eyes to see into the heavenly realms and victory the victory that was already theirs. I
In Praying from Heavenly realms, you are conscious and came in with heavy burden and long unanswered prayers. You are helped how to pray and make declaration with the word of God, as you listen and you expectation is fulfilled.
This is a heavenly visitation with Jesus , you become one with Him and you are covered with Hid glorious presence. Doubt and unbelief, double mindedness cannot reach this height. You are free to operate in the spirit and overcome your former struggles and battles of life.
Paul talked about Heavenly realms in the book of Ephesians five times. Paul lived in this realm of the supernatural very often. In Second Corinthians 12:3-4, He was caught up in the third heaven and heard “ inexpressible words” God called John to come up higher to hear and see. Rev 4:1. Praying from this realm, you will hear snd see.
We are United with Christ’s exaltation. This makes us beneficiaries of spiritual blessings in this heavenly realm. There are spiritual forces that wage war against God’s plans and purposes for the believers. Ephesians 6:12 says For our struggles is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in heavenly realms. When we pray there is i always resistance from the heavenly realms us from the adversaries. Why don’t we just go to the highest realm and pull those satanic forces down.
God fights for us from this realm.
Take your position of victory far above Satan and his minions and receive the victory that is yours in Christ Jesus. In prayer, speak out loud what you hear. and you will begin to receive God’s answers to your prayers. In this realm, destinies are changed, supernatural miraculous acts happens and celebration over the enemies defeat. Heavenly realities is made manifest on earth. What you prayed is release to earth for fulfillment of God’s purposes in your life and others you prayed for.
You may be wandering , how to enter this realm. Simply, enter His gates with thanksgiving snd into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His Name. Psalm 100:4 Go in with worship snd praise God with your whole being , getting lost in Him. You become one with Christ, United with Him in the spirit. 1Corinthians 6: 17 says” He that is joined with the Lord is United with Him in spirit” You are still conscious and then begin to pray as you hear. Key scriptures EPH 1:19, EPH 2:6, PS 100:4